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ENG:  At homedefence, we specialise in establishing neighbourhood security without expensive alarm systems .We have proven our skills in France and are trying to do the same in Spain on request.

Unfortunately, we note that crime is also on the rise here .
burglaries in empty villas or holiday homes especially in the winter period.
Even occupied houses in broad daylight or at night are targeted by criminals.
Reports from residents that when the police are called, they arrive only 30 to 40 minutes after the call.
alarm systems and video cameras are no longer even today a deterrent for criminals.


How does it work ,?
A system we have applied in africa and france .
All homes are included in network system and each resident is provided with a digital walkie-talkie .
In an emergency situation and this can be from a robbery , falling ill or fire .
You are home alone and fear strikes .
With your mobile phone, first type in the emergency number 112, wait for your call to be taken, then wait for help to arrive, search on the phone for a neighbour or friend, but they don't answer etc etc...
With our system you take the radio and with 1 push of the button your call comes in immediately at 20 , 30 , 40 homes depending on how many people in the region are connected, 

your call always comes into our switchboard at our location .
You can tell what your problem is and your location via the radio yourself , no worries Can't talk anymore we can see from the radio where you are because each radio has a unique code linked to house number .and GPS location.
By now you will already have received several responses from neighbours who live a hundred metres or more away from you asking, hello, what is the problem?

everyone connected to the neighbourhood network has a schedule at home with the house numbers on it with location so you can see if you are closest to the emergency call to possibly provide first aid in case of emergency .
of course, everyone can communicate with everyone else over the digital radio because the radios are on a repeater network that covers the entire region in a radius of 30 to 40 km. 


we also supply you with some very simple door stops with censor and deafening noise when touched by very cheap but very effective.

Of course, it has not escaped our attention that all houses here are locked with bars, which has the disadvantage that you are also locked in your own home in case of fire or other danger.
when you can no longer get out through the door, you can only retreat to the farthest room and wait there, hoping that help will arrive quickly. 

with our system, help is closer than you think .
press the emergency button or talk button and all your neighbours within a 40 km radius will receive your emergency call .
our older systems have proven their service where telephone networks failed .
Of course when your home is not occupied we do a check of your home 3 times a week , when one of the sirens goes off we get an aut notification and the neighbourhood system can do its job again and take a look .

of course, the nice thing about our system is that you can also just talk to 4,5,6or7 people at the same time and even more without telephone costs .


the cost of a package ..

you rent 1 radio per month 10.00euros 
you rent 2 radios per month 15,00euro 

connection charges on net 1 times 35 euros


The cost of a B package.
You buy 1 radio 73 euros

connection charges on net 1 times 35 euros
You buy 2 radios 130.00euros



neighbourhood security

45,00 €Prijs
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